doc. Mgr. Jan Havliš, Dr.
Associate professor, National Centre for Biomolecular Research
correspondence Address:
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno
office: bldg. C02/123
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4148 |
e‑mail: | , |
social and academic networks: |
Courses taught
Autumn 2022 at Faculty of Arts
Spring 2022 at Faculty of Science
- Bioanalytics II - Analytical methods in clinical praxis
- Bioanalytics II - Laboratory medicine
- Diploma seminar from biochemistry II
- Diploma seminar from biochemistry IV
- Discover the science - Science and society
- Discover the science 2 - science and society
- Field seminar Life Sciences
- Internship
- Introduction to genomics and proteomics
- Lecture for the scientific community
- Literature research
- Mendel Centre Seminars in the Bio-omics
- Methods in proteomics (CG090, CG990)
- Ph.D. Thesis
- Scientific data presentation
- Scientific publication
- Separation Methods B (C8022, C8024)
- State exam of the master's degree study in Genomics and Proteomics
- TAC meeting
- Teaching assistance
- Thematic study
Autumn 2021 at Faculty of Science
- Advanced biochemistry and its methods
- Bioanalytics I - Biomacromolecules (C7073, C7942)
- CEITEC PhD Conference
- Diploma seminar from biochemistry I
- Diploma seminar from biochemistry III
- Discover science 1 - scientific knowledge and thinking
- Field seminar Life Sciences
- Friday CEITEC PhD seminary
- Internship
- Law, ethics and philosophy of science
- Lecture for the scientific community
- Literature research
- Mendel Centre Seminars in the Bio-omics
- Ph.D. Thesis
- Proteomics (CG010, CG910)
- Scientific data presentation
- Scientific knowledge and thinking
- Scientific publication
- Separation Methods A (C7021, C7023)
- State exam of the master's degree study in Genomics and Proteomics
- TAC meeting
- Teaching assistance
- Thematic study
Spring 2022 at Faculty of Arts
Autumn 2021 at Faculty of Arts
- Approaches to the scientific understanding of language (ARTS002, CORE006, LgBA07)
- Scientific approaches to language
Spring 2021 at Faculty of Science
- Bioanalytics II - Analytical methods in clinical praxis
- Bioanalytics II - Laboratory medicine
- Diploma seminar from biochemistry II
- Diploma seminar from biochemistry IV
- Diploma Work IV
- Discover the science - Science and society
- Discover the science 2 - science and society
- Field seminar – The Bio-omics
- Internship
- Introduction to genomics and proteomics
- Lecture for the scientific community
- Literature research
- Mendel Centre Seminars in the Bio-omics
- Methods in proteomics (CG090, CG990)
- Ph.D. Thesis
- Scientific data presentation
- Scientific publication
- Separation Methods B (C8022, C8024)
- State exam of the master study programme Genomics and Proteomics
- Teaching assistance
- Thematic study