doc. JUDr. Zdeněk Koudelka, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science
office: 146
Veveří 158/70
611 80 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5235 |
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Curriculum Vitae
- Doc. JUDr. Zdeněk Koudelka, Ph.D.
- Born on 9th May 1969 in Moravia, the City Boskovice,
-, Youtube Zdeněk Koudelka
- Department
- Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science
Faculty of Law
Masaryk University
Veveří 70, 611 80 Brno
- Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science
- Employment - Position
- Associate Professor (Docent)
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 1983: Elementary School Brno-Jundrov
- SECONDARY SCHOOL 1987: Gymnasium Tišnov, graduation
- COLLEGE SCHOOL 1989: Social-law High Scool Brno, graduation
- UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 1993: Mgr., provience - Law, graduation theses Základy liberálního státu a politiky (Principes of the Liberal State and Politics), Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno
- DOCTORATE 1996: Ph.D. and 1999 JUDr., provience - Constitutional Law and Political Science, thesis - Postavení a vztahy výkonné a zákonodárné moci na Slovensku (Positions and Relations of the Executive Power and Legislative Power in Slovakia), Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno
- HABILITATION OF DOCENT 2009: inaugural dissertation - Právní předpisy samosprávy (The Legal Rules of Self-government), inaugural talk - Prezident a jmenování do funkcí - Je prezident správní úřad? (President and Appointment to Offices - Is the President an Administrative Office?), Faculty of Law, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia
- Employment
- 1992-1996 Asisstant, 1996-2009 Asisstant Professor and 2009-as yet Associate Professor (Docent) Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science, Faculty of Law, Masaryk Univerzity
- 1994-1995 Asisstant Professor Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Air Forces and Anti-aircraft Forces, Military Academy Brno
- 1993-1996 Articled clerk to the Attorney at law Petr Mrkývka
- 1996-2006 and 2014 as yet Attorney at law
- 1998-2006 Member of the Chamber Deputies of Parliament
- 2006-14 Prosecutor of the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office 2006-11 Deputy Prosecutor General and 2011-13 Deputy Director of Judicial Academy Kroměříž
- 2014 Prorektor and 2014-18 Rektor of Karel Engliš College Brno
- 2019 as yet AMBIS College
- Teaching Activities
- Constitutional Law, Political Science
- Scientific and Research Activities
- Constitutional System of Slovakia, Head of State, Self-government, Justice.
- University Activities
- 1992-1993 Member of the Academic Senate of Faculty of Law, Masaryk University
- 1997-1998 Member of the Academic Senate of Masaryk University
- Activities Outside University
- 1990-1998, 2014-19 Member of the Council, 1990-91 Alderman, 1991 a 1992-94 Vice-mayor of the metropolitan district Brno-Jundrov
- 1998-2006 Member and 2002-06 Vice-chairman of the Constitutional Committee of the Chamber of Deputies
- 1998-2000 a 2002-2003 Member Mandate and Immunity Committee of the Chamber of Deputies
- 2004-09 Member of the Supervisory Board of the Vine Fond
- 2006-11 and 2023-as yet Member of the Executive Board of the Judicial Academy Kroměříž 2019-21 Member, 2021-22 Vice-chairman and 2022-as yet chairman of the Arbitration Commission of the political party Trikolora
- 2024 as yet Member of the Council of the South Moravia Region
- Awards Related to Science and Research
- 1993-1996 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Budování států (Construction of State).
- 1994-1998 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Universitas, ISSN 1211-3384.
- 1994-2003 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Politologický časopis (Journal of Political Science), ISSN 1211-3247.
- 2007-11 Member and 2008-11 Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Journal Státní zastupitelství (Public Prosecution), ISSN 1214-3758.
- 2009 Medal "Ukraine-European Union" of the Ukrainian Fund of Scientific, Economic and Legal Cooperation.
- 2010-17 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Trestní právo (Criminal Law) ISSN 1211-2860.
- 2010-11 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Právo, ekonomika, management (Law, Economy, Management), ISSN 1804-3550.
- 2010-14 Member of the Editorial staff Journal on Legal and Economic Issues of Central Europe, ISSN 2043-085X.
- 2010-12 Member of the Editorial staff Journal of Criminal Law and Public Prosecution, ISSN 2045-9246.
- 2011-18 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Pro Publico Bono, ISSN 2062-7165.
- 2012-20 Member of the Editorial Council of the Journal Russian Law, ISSN 1811-9077.
- 2012-as yet Member of the International Board of the Journal Prawo i Wieź, ISSN 2299-405X (1506-7513).
- 2014-as yet Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Journal Právo a bezpečnost (Law and Security). ISSN 2336-5323.
- Major Publications
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk. Korunovační klenoty Království českého v Rakousku. 1. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství Leges, 2023, 66 s. Extra 844. ISBN 978-80-7502-643-9. Web nakladatele Katalog MU info
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk. Ústava a právo Evropské unie. Právo a bezpečnost. Brno: AMBIS vysoká škola, a.s., 2023, roč. 2023, č. 1, s. 27-72. ISSN 2336-5323. Plný text časopisu. info
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk. Jaroslav Krejčí. Protektorátní premiér a předseda Ústavního soudu. 1. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství Leges, s.r.o., 2021, 146 s. Extra, sv. 676. ISBN 978-80-7502-475-6. Web nakladatele info
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk. Znaky a vlajky Moravy. Právo a bezpečnost. Brno: Vysoká škola Ambis, 2020, roč. 2020, č. 2, s. 25-50. ISSN 2336-5323. Číslo časopisu. info
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk, Petr PRŮCHA a Jana ZWYRTEK HAMPLOVÁ. Zákon o obcích (obecní zřízení). Komentář. 1. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství Leges, 2019, 477 s. Komentátor. ISBN 978-80-7502-335-3. Web nakladatele info
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk. Prezident republiky. 2. aktualizované a doplněné. Praha: Nakladatelství Leges, s.r.o., 2018, 376 s. Teoretik 327. ISBN 978-80-7502-126-7. Předmluva prezidenta ke knize doc. Zdeňka Koudelky „Prezident republiky“ Publikace na stránkách vydavatelství info
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk. Transcendentní pramen práva. 1. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství Leges, s.r.o., 2018, 56 s. Teoretik 462. ISBN 978-80-7502-261-5. Kniha na webu vydavatele info
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk, Miroslav RŮŽIČKA a František VONDRUŠKA. Zákon o státním zastupitelství s komentářem a judikaturou. 1. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství Leges, s.r.o., 2010, 400 s. Komentátor 26. ISBN 978-80-87212-25-7. info
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk. Právní předpisy samosprávy. 2. vyd. Praha: Linde Praha a.s., 2008, 346 s. 753. ISBN 978-80-7201-690-7. Knihovní záznam. info
- KOUDELKA, Zdeněk. Samospráva. 1. vyd. Praha: Linde Praha a.s., 2007, 400 s. 726. ISBN 978-80-7201-665-5. info