doc. Mgr. Robert Mařík, Ph.D.
Total number of publications: 12
Conditional oscillation of half-linear differential equations with coefficients having mean values
Abstract and Applied Analysis, year: 2014, volume: 2014, edition: 258159, DOI
Abstract Book of CDEIT 2010
Year: 2010, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Colloquium on Differential Equations and Integration Theory
Year: 2010, type: Conference
Mathematical Assistant on Web
Year: 2008
Pojďte pane, budeme si hrát (.. s PDF)
Proceedings of 7th International Conference APLIMAT 2008 - Part IV Open source Software in Research and Education, year: 2008
Systém pro online výpočty v prostředí WWW
Sborník 5. ročníku konference o elektronické podpoře výuky SCO 2008, year: 2008
Mfpic Previewer
Year: 2007, type: R&D Presentation
An age-structured model of cannibalism
Electron. J. Diff. Eqs., year: 2006, volume: 2006, edition: 106
A half-linear differential equation and variational problem
Nonlinear Analysis TMA, year: 2001, volume: roč. 45, edition: 2
Hartman--Wintner type theorem for PDE with p-Laplacian
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, year: 2000, volume: Neuveden, edition: 18