Mgr. Pavel Němec, Ph.D.
Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses
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Total number of publications: 102
Molecular cytogenetic study of immunofluerescently labeled plasma cells and prognostic significance of clonal chromosomal aberrations in 208 Patients with multiple myeloma
Hematologica the hematology journal, year: 2008, volume: 93, edition: 1
Prognostic significance of chromosomal changes in patients with multiple myeloma
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Prognostický význam hyperdiploidie/non-hyperdiploidie u souboru 74 relabovaných pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem léčených bortezomibem a thalidomidem
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
The poor prognosis associated with gain/amplification of 1q21 in relapsed multiple myeloma patients may be overcome by Velcade based regimen in contrary of thalidomide based regimen
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
The poor prognosis associated with gain/amplification of 1q21 in relapsed multiple myeloma patients may be overcome by Velcade based regimen in contrary of thalidomide based regimen
Year: 2008, type: Workshop
Úloha chromozomových translokací při vzniku a vývoji mnohočetného myelomu
Klinická onkologie, year: 2008, volume: roč. 21, edition: 2/2008
Vplyv vybraných chromozómových zmien na celkové prežívanie relabovaných pacientov s mnohopočetným myelomom.
Year: 2008, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Výsledky molekulárně cytogenetické analýzy imunofluorescenčně značených plasmatických buněk u pacientů s MM zařazených ve studii CMG 2002
Klinická onkologie, year: 2008, volume: 21, edition: supplement
Clinical implications of 13q14 and 17p13 deletion, t(4;14) and 1q21 amplification in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma treated by Thalidomide or Bortezomib (Velcade)
Chromosome Research, year: 2007
Clinical implications of chromosomal aberrations (13q14 and 17p13 deletion, translocation t(4;14) and 1q21 amplification) in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma treated by thalidomide or bortezomib (Velcade)
From cell sorting to plasma cell identification and chromosomal aberrations in multiple myeloma – Application manual, year: 2007