doc. Mgr. Pavel Drábek, Ph.D.
Total number of publications: 140
Theatre into prose into theatre : reflections on the adaptation processes
Year: 2012, type:
Válka a smilstvo : bezútěšné světy Troila a Kressidy
Shakespeare : Troilus a Kressida, year: 2012
Vernisáž knihy České pokusy o Shakespeara
Year: 2012, type: Popularization text
Worlds-in-Between and their Inhabitants
Year: 2012, type:
Zlá hodinka o Ensemblu Opera Diversa
Year: 2012, type:
"Engelische Auffzüge... nach Beliebung": the Itinerant Actors' English Comedy as a Style
Year: 2011, type:
"What governs life": Švankmajer's Faust in Prague
Shakespeare Bulletin, year: 2011, volume: roč. 29, edition: č. 4, DOI
“Einen grünen Hering in der Hand”: Mixed Response in Itinerant Plays of Seventeenth-Century Germany
Year: 2011, type:
9th World Shakespeare Congress
Year: 2011, type: Conference
A co když je to světec?: Massingerův Římský herec jako krypto-Genesius
Ad honorem Eva Stehlíková, year: 2011, number of pages: 6 s.