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Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Mgr. Magda Frišaufová, Ph.D.
- Department
- Department of Social Policy and Social Work
Faculty of Social Studies
Masaryk University
Joštova 10
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Department of Social Policy and Social Work
- Employment - Position
- Assistant Professor
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2015: Doctoral degree, Social Policy and Social Work
Title of Doctoral thesis: ‘I know what I’m doing’ Agency in Narratives of Women who Have Experience with Long-term Drug Use
Masaryk University in Brno
Faculty of Social Studies -
2008: Master degree, Social Policy and Social Work
Title of Master thesis: ´Organizational culture of nongovernmental organizations providing social services for female sex workers´
Masaryk University in Brno
Faculty of Social Studies -
2007: Master degree, European Political Sociology
Title of Master thesis: ´Czech Aid Workers in Afghanistan´
Dalarna University in Falun, Sweden -
2006: Bachelor degree, Social Policy and Social Work and Sociology
Title of Bachelor thesis: ´Living situation of female drug users´
Masaryk University in Brno
Faculty of Social Studies
- 2015: Doctoral degree, Social Policy and Social Work
- Employment
- 1/2013 - now: Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Policy and Social Work
- 1/2017 - 12/2018: Brno City Municipality, Consultant for Drug Strategy and Action Plan implementation
- 9/2015 - 2/2017: Podané Ruce Organization, Social worker in Advisory centre for drug users
- 9/2014 - 12/2015: Research Institute on Labour and Social Affairs, Researcher, Project on Prevention of Homelessness
- 12/2012 - 12/2014: Project coordiator, European Project ´Active Matching: Strategic Support of Labour Market Counselling´
- 10/2008 - 12/2010: Podané Ruce Organization, Centre manager and social worker in outreach program and drop–in centre for drug users
- 08/2005 - 07/2007: Podané Ruce Organization, Outreach social worker with drug users
- Teaching Activities
- 9/2015 - now: Teacher, Master´s level course: Critical Social Work
- 1/2013 - now: Teacher, Master´s level course: Gender Perspectives in Social Work Practice
- 02/2010 - now: Bachelor and Master thesis supervisor
09/2012 – 01/2013: Teaching Assistant, Bachelor´s level course: ´Gendering Welfare States´
09/2012 – 01/2013: Teaching Assistant, Master´s level course: ´Understanding Political, Social and Welfare Attitudes´
- Scientific and Research Activities
- Cooperation with ´Jako Doma´ Organization.
Research on female homelessness and experiences with violence.
- Cooperation with ´Jako Doma´ Organization.
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 08/2011-06/2012 visiting researcher at the School of Social Work, Lund University, Sweden
- 02/2011 – 06/2011 freemover student at the Centre for Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden
- 2011/01/10 – 2012/05/29: Lund University, Lund, SWE
- 2006/07/22 – 2007/08/28: Dalarna University, Falun, SWE
- Activities Outside University
- Active member of Platform for Complex Approach to Drug Use and Addictions
- Active member of Platform for Complex Approach to Drug Use and Addictions
- Awards Related to Science and Research
- 12/2015: EDIS – Faculty of Social Studies Award for the best doctoral thesis
- Major Publications
- FRIŠAUFOVÁ, Magda. Spolupráce s uživatelkami a uživateli drog z pohledu sociální práce. In Konference Sociální práce a drogy, 20. - 21. 4. 2017, Sananim z.ú. 2017. URL info
- FRIŠAUFOVÁ, Magda. I know what I'm doing. Experiences of women who use methamphetamine. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, 240 s. Edice EDIS, sv. 15. ISBN 978-80-210-8315-8. Online knihkupectví Munipress info
- FRIŠAUFOVÁ, Magda. I Know What I'm Doing. Experiences of Women who Use Methamphetamine. Brno: Muni press, 2016, 238 s. Edice EDIS, 15. svazek. ISBN 978-80-210-8315-8. URL info
- ŠIMÍKOVÁ, Ivana, Trbola ROBERT, Jan MILOTA, Magda FRIŠAUFOVÁ a Jiří VYHLÍDAL. Riziko ztráty bydlení a jeho prevence: Rozbor problému a vyhonocení nástrojů. Praha: Výzkumný ústav práce a sociálních věcí, v.v.i., 2016, 119 s. Odborné monografie vydané ve VÚPSV, v.v.i. ISBN 978-80-7416-239-8. URL info
- KOLÁŘOVÁ, Jitka, Eliška LINDOVSKÁ a Magda FRIŠAUFOVÁ. Stojíme na jejich straně! ... Protože dvě jsou víc než jedna. Praha: Jako doma - Homelike, o.p.s., 2016, 51 s. ISBN 978-80-905743-3-5. URL info
- HORŇÁČEK, Josef, Lenka KLIMPLOVÁ, Jiří VYHLÍDAL, Jiří WINKLER, Iveta ZELENKOVÁ a Magda FRIŠAUFOVÁ. Požadavky zaměstnavatelů identifikované na regionálním trhu práce. 2014. info
- KLIMPLOVÁ, Lenka, Jiří WINKLER, Josef HORŇÁČEK, Jiří VYHLÍDAL, Iveta ZELENKOVÁ, Josef PITNER a Magda FRIŠAUFOVÁ. Monitorování a prognózování trhu práce: Švédskou cestou? 2014. URL info
- ČERNÝ, Jakub, Magda FRIŠAUFOVÁ, Jakub LARISCH, Pavel NEPUSTIL a Markéta SZOTÁKOVÁ. Rodící se diskuze na poli služeb pro osoby užívající návykové látky. Časopis Sociální práce|Sociálna práca. Brno: ASVSP, 2014, roč. 2014, č. 3, s. 38-41. ISSN 1213-6204. info
- FRIŠAUFOVÁ, Magda. Research Accounts of Female Drug Use and their Implications for Social Work. Sociální práce / Sociálna práca. 2014, roč. 14, č. 5, s. 35-45. ISSN 1805-885X. URL info
- FRIŠAUFOVÁ, Magda. The Female Drug User as a "Victim" or "Villain" and the Implications for Social Work. Social work and society. Essen, Germany: Center for Social Work and Social Policy, 2013, Vol.10, č. 1, s. nestránkováno, 5 s. URL info
- FRIŠAUFOVÁ, Magda, Kalivodová RENATA a Nepustil PAVEL. Ženy. In Užívání drog ve skupinách s obtížným přístupem k drogovým službám. Praha: Národní monitorovací středisko pro drogy a drogové závislosti, 2013, s. 50-59. Monografie No 19. ISBN 978-80-7440-072-8. info