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RNDr. Jaroslav Maryáš, CSc.
Office hours
Courses taught
Spring 2008 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Bachelors Seminar (PEBSI, PRBAS)
- Bachelors Seminar II
- Bachelors Work
- Diploma Seminar (KRDIP, PRDIP)
- Diploma Work (KRDP, PRDP)
- Economic Geography of the Czech Republic
- European Union and Euroregions (C_KREUAE, KREUAE, PREUAE)
- Preparation of the dissertation
- Scientific work (D_VP2, D_VP4, D_VP6)
- Structural Policy of the EU
Autumn 2007 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Diploma Seminar (KRDSR, PRDSR)
- Economic Geography (C_KREG, KREG, PREG)
- Economic Geography-E
- EU Structural Policy (C_KRSPEU, KRSPEU)
- European Union and Euroregions
- Preparation of the dissertation
- Scientific work (D_VP1, D_VP3, D_VP5)
Spring 2007 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Bakalářský seminář I
- Baccalaureate Theses Consulting (KRKBP, KRKBP_T)
- Bachelor Work (KRBP, KRBP_T)
- Bachelors Seminar
- Bachelors Work
- Diploma Seminar
- Diploma Work
- Economic Geography of the Czech Republic
- European Union and Euroregions (C_KREUAE, KREUAE, PREUAE)
- Preparation of the dissertation
- Scientific work (D_VP, D_VP2, D_VP4, D_VP6)
- Structural Policy of the EU
Autumn 2006 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Diploma Seminar
- Economic Geography (C_KREG, KREG, PREG)
- Economic Geography-E
- EU Structural Policy (C_KRSPEU, KRSPEU)
- European Union and Euroregions
- Preparation of the dissertation
- Scientific work (D_VP1, D_VP3, D_VP5)
- Territory Information Systems
Spring 2006 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Baccalaureate Theses Consulting
- Bachelor Work
- Diploma Seminar
- Economic Geography of the Czech Republic
- European Union and Euroregions (C_KREUAE, KREUAE, PREUAE)
- Scientific work
- Structural Policy of the EU
Autumn 2005 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Diploma Seminar
- Economic Geography (C_KREG, KREG, PREG)
- Economic Geography-E
- EU Structural Policy (C_KRSPEU, KRSPEU)
- European Union and Euroregions
- Scientific work
- Territory Information Systems
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Science
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Baccalaureate Theses Consulting
- Bachelor Work
- Diploma Seminar A
- Diploma Seminar B
- Economic Geography of the Czech Republic
- European Union and Euroregions (C_KREUAE, KREUAE, PREUAE)