doc. PhDr. Jarmila Bednaříková, CSc.
Associate professor, Department of Classical Studies
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. A/A.220
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5435 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Office hours
Courses taught
Autumn 2016 at Faculty of Arts
- Master's Thesis (DSMgrDipl, LJMgrDipl)
- Minor B. A. Thesis Seminar (DSBcO, LJBcD02)
- Reading and Interpretation of Historical Sources - Greece
- Reading Seneca and Pliny the Younger
- Reading Tacitus
- Research and Study I
- Research and Study II
- Research and Study III
- Research and Study IV
- Research Stay Abroad
- Roman Empire on the way towards the year 476
- Special Lecture I
- Special Lecture II
- Special Lecture III
- Special Lecture IV
- The Arabian World in Antiquity and Early Middle Ages I
- Writing seminar I
- Writing seminar II
- Writing seminar III
- Writing seminar IV
- Writing seminar V
Autumn 2016 at Faculty of Social Studies
Spring 2016 at Faculty of Arts
- B. A. State Final Exam
- Bachelor’s Thesis
- Bachelor's Minor Thesis (DSBcObor, LJBcObor)
- Bachelor's State Exam in Ancient History
- Bachelor's Thesis
- Colloquium I
- Colloquium II
- Conference Paper
- Doctoral Dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis
- Europe in the Times of Barbarian Invasions II
- Foreign language - publication (variety A)
- General methodology - Ancient history
- History of Antiquity for Archaeologists B
- History of Greece I
- History of Rome I
- History of the Classic World II
- Intensive Study Course
- Intermediate Period between Antiquity and Middle Ages
- Interpretative Seminar
- Journal Article
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar 2
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar I (DSMgrD01, LJMgrD01)
- M. A. Diploma Thesis Seminar II
- M. A. Final Thesis Seminar (DSMgrO, LJMgrD03)
- M. A. State Final Exam (DSMgrZk, MEDMgrZk)
- Major (Diploma) B. A. Thesis Seminar (DSBcD, LJBcD01)
- Master's Minor Thesis (DSMgrObor, LJMgrObor)
- Master's Thesis (DSMgrDipl, LJMgrDipl)
- Minor B. A. Thesis Seminar (DSBcO, LJBcD02)
- Reading Seneca and Pliny the Younger
- Reading Tacitus
- Research and Study I
- Research and Study II
- Research and Study III
- Research and Study IV
- Research Stay Abroad
- Special Lecture I
- Special Lecture II
- Special Lecture III
- Special Lecture IV
- Textual Criticism for Historians
- The Arabian World in Antiquity and Early Middle Ages II
- The Barbarian States in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
- The Barbarian States in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages I - seminary
- The History ot the Classical World (HIA104, HIAK104)
- The States with the Sacral Kingdom - from China to Peru
- Writing seminar I
- Writing seminar II
- Writing seminar III
- Writing seminar IV
- Writing seminar V
Autumn 2015 at Faculty of Arts
- B. A. State Final Exam
- Bachelor’s Thesis
- Bachelor's Minor Thesis (DSBcObor, LJBcObor)