doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Šerek, Ph.D.
Department head, Psychology Research Institute
office: 2.51
Joštova 218/10
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4858 |
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Total number of publications: 107
How easy is to become alienated? Stability and change of first-time voters' civic attitudes over the election year. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, Canada
Year: 2012, type: R&D Presentation
Mladí a nevšední. Studie občanského života mladých lidí z etnických menšin a majority v České republice
Year: 2012, edition: 1. vyd., number of pages: 120 s.
Who Is a “Good Citizen”? Perspectives of the majority and minority youth in the Czech Republic. Poster presented at the 14th Biennial SRA Meeting, March 8-10, 2012, Vancouver, Canada.
, year: 2012
Who should solve problems of our society? Perceived responsibility for social and political issues among adolescents and emerging adults
XV European Conference on Developmental Psychology ECDP, year: 2012
Civic engagement and perceived barriers of immigrant emerging adults: Qualitative analysis of Ukrainians in Czech Republic. Paper presented at the 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, October 27-28, 2011, Providence, RI.
, year: 2011
Development of adolescents’ worldviews: perceptions of justice and politics
Ježek, S., Lacinová, L. & Macek, P. (Eds.). Adolescent psychosocial development in Brno: An ELSPAC study 2005 – 2011, year: 2011, number of pages: 25 s.
Development of young people's political efficacy during the election year: the effect of political discussions and media consumption. Paper presented at the 2011 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Montréal, Canada.
How do you perceive civic engagement when you come from ethnic minority? The case of Czech Roma. Paper presented at the PIDOP Conference, Bologna, Italy
Year: 2011, type: R&D Presentation
The civic life of young Czech Roma: Perceived resources, barriers, and opportunities
M. Rašticová et al. (Eds.), Diversity is Reality: Effective Leadership of Diverse Teams in a Global Environment, edition: 1. vyd., year: 2011, number of pages: 10 s.
Understanding citizenship and civic engagement of young people in the Czech republic: Qualitative analysis of conceptualization among minorities and majority, Paper presented at the PIDOP Conference, Bologna, Italy, 11-12/05/2011.
Year: 2011, type: R&D Presentation