RNDr. Martin Drašar, Ph.D.
Department head, Projects
office: bldg. A/9.15
Šumavská 525/33
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 3295 |
e‑mail: | Drasar@ics.muni.cz |
social and academic networks: |
Academic and management positions
MU Faculty or unit | Projects – Institute of Computer Science |
Job classification | Department head |
Office |
bldg. A/9.15 – Šumavská 525/33, Veveří, Brno
MU Faculty or unit | Institute of Computer Science |
Job classification | Vice-director for research |
Membership in academic and other bodies at MU
Director's Board | Institute of Computer Science |
Senior Management | Institute of Computer Science |
MU Faculty or unit | Projects – Institute of Computer Science |
Job classification | Head of department |
Phone | +420 549 49 3295 |
Drasar@ics.muni.cz |
MU Faculty or unit | Department of Computer Systems and Communications – Faculty of Informatics |
Job classification | Head of department |
Personal information
Personal identification - University ID | 98998 |
Internal information | Portál MU IS MU |