Project information
GColl2A: Nasazení prostředí GColl v akademickém prostředí

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2010 - 8/2012
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
MU Faculty or unit
Institute of Computer Science
collaborative environemnts, group collaboration

This project aims to develop a production implementation of a videoconferencing environment GColl, based on a successfully evaluated
prototype, which has been developed during a previous joint project of CESNET
and Masaryk University. Server infrastructure used to support the environment
will be deployed in the CESNET2 network. Users will, therefore, have access to a cheap alternative to commercial videoconferencing systems. GColl is suitable both
for communication among individuals and for interaction among smaller sized
teams. In comparison to other similar systems, GColl transfers consequential
non-verbal signals such as eye-contact, even during the group-to-group

A~part of the project also focuses on further development of the GColl concept
per se where the primary aim is to provide for the possibility of joint
viewing as well as changing data during the videoconference. These developments
should take GColl even closer to face-to-face interaction experience. During the
experimental evaluation, at least 150-180 MU students will be involved.

This project is compliant with intents of activity 615-Virtual collaborative
environments-of CESNET and it has been consulted with the activity.


Total number of publications: 3

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