Project information
French Canadian literature
- Project Identification
- GA405/02/1111
- Project Period
- 1/2002 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Arts
The aim of the grant is to manage, if possible, the best conditions for the research, the work and the publishing of the History of French Canadian Literature (publishing house Host, Brno, CZ). We intend to offer a historical review of the evolution of the French Canadian literature and culture from the beginning to the present days, review that could be useful not only to the Czech specialists, but also to a large public. The importance of the task is based on several grounds 1. the French Canadian literature has known a real outburst since the last fifty years and belongs newtodays to the best part of the French written literature at all, 2. The Canadian cultural area finds very original solutions in the field of the cultural plurality and of the multiculturalisme, even in the French speaking province of Quebec. The analysis of the rise and of the developement of this phenomenon, that serves as a pattern for the new solutions in the European cultural situation in several european countries, will
Total number of publications: 30
La poétique implicite de Roger Nimier: pour une relecture du Hussard bleu et des Épées
Roman 20-50, year: 2006, volume: 42, edition: 2
Le merveilleux romanesque de Jacques Ferron: La Charrette
Central European Journal of Canadian Studies, year: 2006, volume: 2005, edition: 5
L'imaginaire spatial de Jacques Ferron: Le ciel de Québec
Imaginaire du roman québécois contemporain, year: 2006
Un cas de merveilleux romanesque - La Charrette
Atelier du roman, year: 2006, volume: 2006, edition: 47
Dějiny francouzsko-kanadské a quebecké literatury
Year: 2005, edition: Vyd. 1., number of pages: 534 s.
Imaginaire du roman québécois contemporain
Year: 2005, type: Conference
Le "pays incertain" de Jacques Ferron
Place and Memory in Canada: Global Perspectives / Lieu et mémoire: perspectives globales, year: 2005
Discours politique et discours esthétique de la littérature québécoise des années 1960. Le cas de Miron, Ferron, Godbout, Aquin
Canadiensia I. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Philologica 83, year: 2004
Kant a kosmologie
Kant redivivus. Průřezy dílem filosofa., year: 2004
Le littéraire et le politique - positionnement "discriminatoire" et/ou "intégrateur" de l'axiologie
Rencontres françaises - Brno 2003. Actes du 6e séminaire internationnal d'études doctorales, year: 2004