Project information
Modeling of the structure and interaction of elicitors of the fungus Phytophthora

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2002 - 12/2004
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science

Low molecular and oligomeric substances produced by some pathogenic organisms (named elicitors) are recognized by plant by means of specific receptors. These primary interactions regulate signals on the cellular level. Parasitic fungi Phytophthora spp. synthesize a series of homologous proteins able to iniciate hypersensitive reaction and induce acquired non-specific systemic resistance. Moreover, these proteins are sterol carrier proteins. The objective of the project is a modeling of the structure elicitor-sterol complex for a series of mutants obtained by site directed mutagenesis with modified biological efficiency. The elucidation of the role of the sterol-elicitor complex will contribute to development of the new methods of plant protection. The project will be carried out in colaboration with the Laboratory of Phytopharmacie, INRA, Dijon.


Total number of publications: 10

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