Project information
Threedimensional analysis of cell nuclei using image cytometry

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Project Identification
Project Period
9/2003 - 8/2006
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Informatics
high-resolution image cytometry, FISH, 3D image analysis

An instrument called high-resolution image cytometer provides precise
measurements (with resolution comparable to confocal microscopy) on a large number of FISH stained cell nuclei (1000-10000 objects). The
cytometer can be used for both basic biological research (genetic material
structure studies) and clinical applications. The cytometer was developed
in our laboratory and is unique in the world. This excellent instrument
has, unfortunately, one big limitation - it cannot perform full 3D
studies. The aim of this project is to improve the high-resolution image
cytometer so that it will provide complete 3D analysis of a large number
of cell nuclei. Capabilities of image cytometer are determined by the
image analysis subsystem, which will be improved. After the extension the
computer will be able to construct a 3D model of a cell nucleus in its
memory and therefore new set of 3D measurements will be possible, e.g. the
computation of point-to-surface distances, volume or area of nuclei or



Total number of publications: 7

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