Project information
Electronic datbases for studying and research of Greek and Latin authors and texts from antiquity, middle ages and the early modern period
- Project Identification
- 1N04098
- Project Period
- 3/2004 - 12/2008
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- R&D Information Infrastructure (National Research Programme)
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Arts
- Keywords
- Latin;Greek;Database;Electronic;Ultranet;Antiquity;Medievalistic;Language;Literature;Codices;Middle Ages;Humanities;Early Modern Period;Culture;Tradition;Philosophy;Theology;History of Church;
- Cooperating Organization
Institute for Classical Studies of the ASCR
- Responsible person Mgr. Jiří Žůrek
- Responsible person PhDr. Zdeněk Uhlíř
- Responsible person PhDr. Jan Kalivoda
The aim of the project is to assemble the most complete collection of electronic texts, database and subsidiary materials (lexicons,vocabularies,concordances) for studying the Latin and Greek texts from Antiquity, Middle Ages and the Early Modern Periodon on the server of MU and to make them available, according to the conditions of the licence, to all scholars specialized in Classical Philology and in related disciplines like Latin Medievalistic, Theology, Philosophy, History of Church, and in other philological, philosophical and arthistorical fields. The project takes up the proj. MŠMT LI 200031, the completion of which, has been successfully defended twice, moved the research and made the standard of research in these fields in CR compatible with that in Western Europe. An integral part of the project is the work of the coordinating and consulting grant centre of the electronic databases at MU at the Institute of Classical Studies (Faculty of Arts).
Total number of publications: 63
Vir excellentissimus: A search for traces of classical encomiastic structure in Cosmas’s praises of persons
Laetae segetes. Griechische und Lateinische Studien an der Masaryk Universität und Universität Wien, year: 2006
(rec.) Cronica monasterii Canonicorum regularium (sancti Augustini) in Glacz. Edidit Wojciech Mrozowicz. Universitas Wratislaviensis, Institutum studiorum Silesiacorum et Bohemicorum, Wratislaviae MMIII
Časopis Matice moravské, year: 2005, volume: 2005, edition: 68
(rec.) I. Radová. Dobrodružství Argonautů: Řecko versus Řím. Praha: KLP, 2004, 158 s. ISBN 80-86791-15-7.
Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, řada klasická N, Graeco-Latina Brunensia, year: 2005, volume: LIV, edition: N10
(rec.) L. Cavarzere - A. De Vivo - P. Mastandrea. Letteratura latina. Una sintesi storica. Manuali universitani 6 (Lettere classiche). Roma: Carocci editore, 2003, 356 pp. ISBN 88-430-2727-1.
Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, řada klasická N, Graeco-Latina Brunensia, year: 2005, volume: LIV, edition: N10
(rec.) Magistri Iohannis Hus Questiones
Filosofický časopis, year: 2005, volume: 2005, edition: 53
Absolutní konstrukce ve vybraných pozdně latinských textech
Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, year: 2005, volume: N, edition: 10
Grex infectus et perditus (modele bucolique de Pétrarque et debute de la Réforme bohéme)
SPFFBU, year: 2005, volume: 2005, edition: N 10
Chvály osob v Kosmově kronice
Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, řada klasická N, Graeco-Latina Brunensia, year: 2005, volume: 2005, edition: N 10
Irena Radová, Dobrodružství Argonautů: Řecko versus Řím
Relationes Budvicenses, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2005, number of pages: 2 s.
Laetae segetes
Year: 2005, type: Conference