Project information
Family, employment and education

Project Identification
Project Period
2/2005 - 6/2008
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Social Studies
Family, Employment, Education, Harmonising work and family, Family policy, Demographic behaviour, Life-long education, Equal opportunities
Cooperating Organization
Research Institute of Labour and Social Affairs
STEM s.r.o.

The project will contribute to seeking ways for family life and employment harmonisation, which is desirable in particular with respect to the objectives of family and social policies, equal opportunities of men and women, and employment policy.
The objective of the research is to establish links between the microsocial (life strategy), mezzosocial (policies and their institutional context), and the macrosocial planes (value perception shifts, labour market development, and other changes).
The concept of the project is based on theoretical studies of Czech and international authors and on secondary analysis of international (EVS, ISSP, GGS, OECD data, Eurofound) and Czech surveys (in particular surveys of the CSO, STEM and RILSA).
The empirical part will use statistical data on employment, census, etc., and three empirical surveys – a survey of family types of working-age population, probe of both parents with the youngest child up to a certain age, and a probe of employers.


Total number of publications: 34

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