Project information
Internet Language Consulting Service

Project Identification
Project Period
7/2004 - 12/2008
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Informatics
Czech National Corpus, elektronic manual, web interface, language data, language database, language information, laguage norms, users of Czech, searching and browsing software, Internet Language Consulting Service
Cooperating Organization
Institute of the Czech Language of the ASCR, v. v. i.

The aim of the project is to develop the first electronic manual of Czech language in such a way that all advices and recommendations provided by Internet Language Consulting Service at the Institute of Czech Language (Czech Academy of Sciences) can be delivered primarily through a web interface. The manual will contain extensive and versatile information about Czech language stored in a database. That will allow users to search for necessary answers comfortably and in a short time. The language data will be collected by linguists and in cooperation with language engineers the appropriate searching software will be implemented. Such manual will display a number of advantages: it will serve on-line to all users, it will be open to further modifications in accordance with the development of Czech language and needs of the users. Last but not least - it will make the advisory activities more efficient.



Total number of publications: 12

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