Project information
Theoretical and methodological aspects of institutional enterprise assitance

Project Identification
Project Period
2/2002 - 1/2005
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Economics and Administration
corporate environment, enterprise cultivation in EU, SWOT analysis, enterprise trends, support of foreign business, public administration influence, enterpreneurial regulation and self-regulation, institutional enterprise, structural funds

On the basis of history analysis of enterprise environment of CR and in comparison with selected EU countries, project participants will focus on designing theoretical and methodological basis for institutional organization, suggest method of regulation and self-regulation of enterprises appropriate for current and future periods of socio-economic development in the Czech Republic. The publication should contribute to solving efficient ways of institutional enterprise assistance in relation to territorial and administrative reform, together with integration into EU. The project is based on the European Council summit (Stockholm, 2001), concerned with strategy of achieving competitive European knowledge- economics. Up to now, despite of huge efforts and various forms of enterprise assistance, the enterprise sphere in CR is presently unnoticed and hardly efficient. A comprehensive study, that would enable deeper insights and initiate expert discussion in this area, is currently missing.


Total number of publications: 108

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