Project information
Facts, Figures and Research in Local Education Policy Making (FFREP)

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2010 - 12/2010
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
European Union
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts
Cooperating Organization
University of Antwerpen
Erasmus Universiteit
Districtshuis Antwerpen, Baobab - schoolprojecten
Uppsala universitet

Project "Facts, Figures and Research in local Education Policy making"; is coordinated by BAOBAB vzw, the executive body for the General Education Policy of the city of Antwerp. The project falls under the call, "Evidence-based policy and practice: call for proposals to develop networks of knowledge brokerage initiatives EAC/26/2009".
Objectives of the project to be reached at the end of 2010 are:

  • Network to share experiences and examples of good practice in applying facts, figures and research in local Education Policy making.
  • Improve the exchange of data between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in order to realize the evidence-based policy in Education
  • Define a structured method to guide study visits between the cities. This structure could for example take the form of a peer review methodology

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