Project information
Molecular basis of cell and tissue regulations
- Project Identification
- MSM0021622415
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Central European Institute of Technology
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
- Faculty of Medicine
- Keywords
- Cell; genomics; proteomics; biomedicine; gene expression; regulation mechanisms; chromatin structure; structure and interactions of biomolecules
The cell is a system in which each molecule is a component of interaction network. Due to the highly complex interconnection, function of cells and organisms is relatively resistant to failure of individual components of the network. Convergence of thought and methodical approaches which is characteristic for today’s postgenomic era, is a basis for interconnection of research capacities of molecular-biology oriented workgroups of the Masaryk University in the proposed Research Plan (RP). Solving of the RP will proceed in 4 program areas: 1. Regulation mechanisms in animal cells; 2. Functional domains of eukaryotic chromosomes; 3. Genomics and proteomics of regulation circuits in plants; 4. Functional analysis of the genome of clinically and biotechnologically important bacteria. The RP objective is to use approaches of structural biology, functional genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics to elucidate molecular basis of processes which are important from the viewpoint of perspective biomedical and biotechnology applications.
Total number of publications: 1205
p53 tumor suppressor inhibits proliferation and induces differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts
Sborník příspěvků IX. pracovního setkání biochemiků a molekulárních biologů, year: 2005
Plant telomerases synthesizing human type of telomeres
Year: 2005, type: Conference abstract
Porovnání standardních prognostických faktorů u pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem s delecí 13q14 stanovenou metodou interfázní fluorescenční in situ hybridizace na separovaných a neseparovaných buňkách kostní dřeně
Časopis lékařů českých, year: 2005, volume: 144, edition: 7
Prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in hospitalized patients and those living in the community in the Czech Republic
45th annual ICAAC (Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy), year: 2005
Prevalence vankomycin-rezistentních enterokoků v nemocničním a komunitním prostředí
Klinická mikrobiologie a infekční lékařství, year: 2005, volume: 11, edition: 2
Proteomic analysis of iron and sulfur oxidizing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans using immobilized pH gradients and mass spectrometry
Year: 2005, type: Conference abstract
Molecular and cellular proteomics, year: 2005
Přírodní zdroje nákazy lymeské borreliózy - hlodavci a jejich paraziti
Year: 2005, type: Conference abstract
Racemic monoperoxovanadium(V) complexes with achiral OO and ON donor set heteroligands: synthesis, crystal structure and stereochemistry of [NH3(CH2)(2)NH3][VO(O-2)(ox)(pic)].2H(2)O and [NH3(CH2)(2)NH3][VO(O-2)(ox)(pca)]
Dalton transactions : an international journal of organic chemistry, year: 2005, volume: 2005, edition: 13
Regulace a význam exprese vimentinu při diferenciaci monoblastů tranformovaných onkogenem v-myb
Sborník příspěvků IX. pracovního setkání biochemiků a molekulárních biologů, year: 2005