Project information
Enviromental consequences of photochemical processes in ice and snow

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2005 - 12/2007
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
Photochemistry, enviromental, ice, snow, pollutants

The project seeks to explore and expand the current knowledge about the distribution, accumulation, and chemical/photochemical transformations of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic compounds (PBTs) in water ice or snow, especially in the connectionto polar regions and atmospheric cloud particles. We already demonstrated that natural ice might be natural reaction medium for photochemical transformations by laboratory studies and this project should extend our knowledge about natural snow and ice.The planned laboratory experiments with ice contaminated with inorganic salts (nitrates, bromides) and ice with very low concentrations of organic pollutants will be a preparation for the field experiments. Here we plan to monitor concentrations oforganic po llutants in snow in the region of Czech Republic as well as consequences of sun-irradiated samples.


Total number of publications: 7

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