Project information
Transatlantic Relationships and Foreign Policy of the Central European Countries
- Project Identification
- GP407/06/P444
- Project Period
- 1/2006 - 12/2007
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Postdoctoral projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Social Studies
- Keywords
- Transatlantic Relationships, Foreign Policy, Central Europe, European Union, USA
The two-year long project is focused on analysis of the development of transatlantic relationships from the end of the Cold War to the present and also involves analysis of the foreign policies of the Central European countries (Visegrad Group -V4) within the context of transatlantic dialogue.
A crucial point of the research is identification of the main differences between the USA and important European states, members of the EU, during the process of formulation of priorities on foreign policy agenda. After that will follow a description of the influence of these different interests on the foreign policies of the V4 countries. Several international crises (e.g. Kosovo 1999, Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2003) serve as background to evaluate the influence of the V4 countries on the quality of relationships in the Euro-Atlantic area, which will be done with a comparative perspective. The evaluation will be done with respect to the V4 membership in NATO, the EU and also with reference to their bilateral relations with the key international players.
The expected outcomes: a) the set of articles for science reviews during the length of the project; b) the entire results will be published in a book (ca. 250-300 pgs.); c) the presentations of the research findings at seminars and conferences in the Czech Rep. and abroad; d) an opening of a new course at the Dep. of International Relations and European Studies at the FSS MU in Brno.
Total number of publications: 12
Liquid Natural Gas: a potential for energy security of the European Union
Year: 2009, type: Research and development projects
Energetická bezpečnost v Evropě a pozice České republiky
, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2008
Central and Eastern Europe in the process of globalization and Europeanization: Comparing the Czech Republic and Poland.
Globalization: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe, edition: Vyd. 1., year: 2007, number of pages: 24 s.
Energetická bezpečnost a zájmy České republiky
Year: 2007, edition: Vyd. 1., number of pages: 88 s.
Participation in Missile Defense within Transatlantic Framework: A View from the Czech Republic
Central European Review, year: 2007, volume: 45, edition: 3
Ropná zbraň: strašák, nebo reálná hrozba?
Mezinárodní vztahy, year: 2007, volume: 3/2007, edition: 3
Stabilita zdrojových oblastí a bezpečnostní hrozby
Energetická bezpečnost a zájmy České republiky, year: 2007, number of pages: 4 s.
Transatlantické vztahy a zahraniční politika středoevropských zemí. Od konce studené války do současnosti.
Year: 2007, edition: Vyd. 1., number of pages: 250 s.
Základní principy a východiska energetické bezpečnosti
Energetická bezpečnost a zájmy České republiky, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2007, number of pages: 9 s.
Pozice a zájmy ČR v evropské a transatlantické bezpečnostní dimenzi
Dočkal, V. - Fiala, P. - Kaniok, P. - Pitrová, M.: Česká politika v Evropské unii. Evropský integrační proces a zájmy České republiky, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2006, number of pages: 12 s.