Project information
Herbarium vivae icones: Elektronic herbarium with communicative tutorial and testing interface

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2006 - 12/2006
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
botany; education of biology; herbarium; plant species determination.

The main goal of project “Herbarium vivae icones” is reinforcement of the teaching of botany of students focused on scientific specializations and particularly students of the education of biology – future teachers of secondary schools. Project is based on using of multi-medial instruments as (i) electronic herbarium in both web and CD-ROM version containing photos of 361 live plants (scans and detail photos of habitus, flowers, leaves, and other structural features important from the determination viewpoint; – (ii) communicative interface offering various forms of learning, testing in both web and CD forms based on programming script PHP in combination with JavaScript in Macromedia Flash; – (iii) two complete series of herbarium specimens of these species protected by lamination; – (iv) electronic version of herbarium used for examination.
The financial resources cover purchase of A3 scanner, digital photo camera; external HDD, CD-ROMs, and costs for lamination of herbarium specimens. The project particularity is based on (i) species selection: the most frequent and most typical species for the area of the Czech Republic; – (ii) style of figures: scanning of live plants; – (iii) stimulating communicative interface.


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