Project information
Multiscale approach to relationships between mechanical and microstructural characteristics of materials

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2005 - 12/2007
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
multiscale hardness test, ab initio calculations, quantitative metallography
Cooperating Organization
Brno University of Technology

The main aim of this project is to find new and more physically justified quantitative links between mechanical and microstructural characteristics of materials by means of a multiscale experimental and theoretical investigation. In order to reach theaim , multiscale indentation tests, 2D and 3D quantitative metallography and ab initio calculations of mechanical properties will be used as basic research methods in the frame of the project. This allows us to assess both the mechanical response and themicr ostructure of investigated materials at macro-, micro- and nano scales in mutually interconnected ways. For example, the combination of above mentioned methods enables us to identify and quantify differences between hardening micromechanisms inmaterials differing in phase composition or microstructure coarseness and, for selected materials, to obtain a correlation between measured fracture toughness values and computed values of ideal tensile strength.


Total number of publications: 43

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