Project information
Diversity and ecology of soil annelids in urban greens - on the example of a medium-sized city

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2006 - 12/2008
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
urban ecology; earthworms; enchytraeids; soil pollution; heavy metals; herbicides; soil compaction; communities; urban greens; soil annelids

The soil annelid community (Lumbricidae and Enchytraeidae) shall be studied in urban greens of Brno, Czech Republic. Three pairs of isolated parks shall be studied. The objectives are to investigate links between (1) the community structure and the park size, (2) earthworm and enchytraeid populations, (3) contamination of soils and soil annelids, and between annelid communities and (4) soil characteristics, (5) soil compaction by pedestrian activities and (6) exotic trees and shrubs. The sampling scheme provides data on the species composition, density and biomass of soil annelids and on urban soils. Heavy metal and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon content shall be measured both in the tissue of annelid species and in soil. The impact of soil contamination, soil compaction and of exotic plants shall be investigated by sampling along gradients or in pairs of affected and unaffected points. Detailed laboratory experiments will be carried out to verify results of field measurements.


Total number of publications: 6

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