Project information
Continental Intersections of Shakespeare 's Works
- Project Identification
- GA405/08/1223
- Project Period
- 1/2008 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Arts
- Keywords
- William Shakespeare, Europe, 16th century, 17th century, literature, poetry, drama, theatre
The impact of William Shakespeareś works on Central Europe has been studied mostly in the modern times, that is since the foundations of modern states. The proposed project proffers to study the literary intersections of Central European literature (including drama) and Shakespeareś works, and analyze the influence Shakespeare had in Europe in the early modern period. The presence of direct Shakespearean influences in the region has had a profound impact on the development of culture - from the aristocratic drama, through fok marionette plays, to spiritual and secular literature. In the Czech milieu, this topic has not been given a systematic and sufficient critical attention. The proposed project intends to fill this gap in the context of austrian, German and Polish studies on the subject. The research results will be presented on the international Shakespeare conference in Brno (2009) and the World Shakespeare Congress in Prague (2011).
Total number of publications: 103
John Russell Brown (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Actors' Shakespeare
Theatralia, year: 2012, volume: roč. 15, edition: č. 2
John Russell Brown. Studying Shakespeare in performance
Theatralia, year: 2012, volume: roč. 15, edition: č. 2
Launching a Structuralist Assembly : Convening the Scattered Structures
Theatralia, year: 2012, volume: roč. 15, edition: č. 2
Michael D. Bristol ed., Shakespeare and Moral Agency. Shakespeare Continuum Studies. London: Continuum Books, 2010
Shakespeare Jahrbuch, year: 2012, volume: roč. 148, edition: č. 1
Michel de Ghelderode a jeho překladatel Jiří Konůpek
Year: 2012, type: Requested lectures
Od historie k divadlu : Shakespeare a alžbětinská doba
Year: 2012, type: Requested lectures
Od Wůdce Šottského Wogska k Štěstěně, která se zubila: stručné dějiny českého překládání Macbetha
Year: 2012, type: Requested lectures
Potíže s dějinami (V. Just: Divadlo v totalitním systému)
Year: 2012, type: Survey and educational texts
Susugigawa in the intercultural exchange : towards interculturalism in theatre
Year: 2012, type: Requested lectures
The Faces of European Direction. Contemporary European Theatre Directors
Year: 2012, type: Survey and educational texts