Project information
Environment - carcinogenesis - oncology
- Project Identification
- MSM 141100003
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 1/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Medicine
- Keywords
- environmental pollutants; genotoxic agents; mechanisms of genomic and extragenomic carcinogenesis; predictive bioparameters ; optimization of oncological therapy
The aim of this multidisciplinary project is to contribute to the research of the mechanisms of carcinogenesis with a special interest devoted to reduction of risks from environmental pollutants and genotoxic effects of therapeutic agents. The investigation of effects of persistent organic pollutants and other genotoxic compounds on induction and development of malignant tumors. The special interest will be paid also to the process of extragenomic carcinogenesis. Biomathematical analysis of risks of genotoxicity in their real proportions, which couples the data from basic environmental reasearch, toxicology, experimental biology and clinical oncology. Multivariate mathematical analysis of oncological bioparameters directed mainly to prediction of the efficacy of treatment in different types of tumors and optimization of therapeutic regimens.
Total number of publications: 672
Persistent bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals in Central and Eastern Europe: Levels and Risks
Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, year: 1999, volume: 1999, edition: 29
Perzistentní organické polutanty (POPs)
Year: 1999, edition: Vyd. 1, number of pages: 69 s.
Postup přípravy Strategie ČR při realizaci závazků Protokolu o persistentních organických polutantech v rámci Úmluvy o dálkovém znečišťování ovzduší přecházejícím hranice států
Year: 1999, edition: Vyd. 1, number of pages: 209 s.
Potřebujeme prediktivní onkologii.
Klinická onkologie, year: 1999, volume: 12, edition: 3
Premedication for the chemotherapy containing platin derivates
Abstrakta, year: 1999
Problémy po operacích zhoubných nádorů konečníku.
Onkologická péče, year: 1999, volume: 4, edition: 3
Problémy po operacích zhoubných nádorů prsu.
Onkologická péče, year: 1999, volume: 4, edition: 4
Proviral load and expression of avian leukosis viruses of subgroup C in long-term persistently infected heterologous hosts (ducks)
Archives of Virology, year: 1999, volume: 144, edition: 1-12
Renal cell carcinoma - associated immune impairment that may interfere with the response to cytokine therapy
Neoplasma, year: 1999, volume: 45, edition: 3
Renal cell carcinoma-associated impairment that may interfere with the response to cytokine therapy.
Neoplasma, year: 1999, volume: 46, edition: 3