Project information
Early diagnostics of Cardiovascular Diseases
- Project Identification
- MSM141100004
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 1/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Medicine
- prof. MUDr. Bohumil Fišer, CSc.
- prof. MUDr. Jarmila Siegelová, DrSc.
- Keywords
- Cardiovascular diseases; Early stages; Secondary prevention; Basic phenomenes; Atherosclerosis; Vasculopathies; Autonomic nervous system; Myocardial cell; Sudden death; Cardiomyopathies; Heart transplant
An longterm research directed to the detection of early stages of cardiovascular diseases and to a secondary prevetion what has a broad epidemiological consequences. Both clinical and experimental institutions who would tightly collaborate should be involved. This way it might be realistic to evaluate basic features with their next impacts for the clinical medicine. The research should be targeted on these areas: The development of atherosclerosis and of other vasculopathies with outcomes for a prevention of ischemic episodes and for rational solutions of unstable angina. The system of management of circulation including assessments of the autonomic nervous system and biological rhytms with possibilities to influence that. The electrophysiology of the myocardial cell, a genetic stratification of a sudden death§s risk, possibilities to prevent it by various therapeutic modalities and a precision of this indications. The detection of early stages of cardiomyopathies by means of genetic methods.
Total number of publications: 985
Experimental Assessment of New Type of Carbon Coated ARTECOR Vascular Prosthesis in Sheep
Acta veterinaria Brno, year: 2009, volume: 78; 2009, edition: 78
The extracranial carotid vascular bed surgery
XXXIV Angiological Days 2009, year: 2009
Aneurysmata v aortální oblasti
Central European Vascular Journal, year: 2008
Angioskopie a intimomediální hyperplasie
Praktický lékař, year: 2008, volume: 88, edition: 8
DCL coating of textile blood vessels using PLD
Appl phys A-Mater.Sci Process, year: 2008, volume: 93 2008, edition: 93
Infekce tepenných rekonstrukcí: praktický pohled
vnitřní lékařství, year: 2008, volume: roč. 54, edition: 2
Léčba křečových žil
Vademecum zdraví, year: 2008, volume: 2008, edition: 3
Novinky v transplantaci srdce
Kardiologická revue, year: 2008, volume: 10, edition: 1
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Scripta Medica Brno, year: 2007, volume: 80, edition: 3
Induction of angiogenic factors in skeletal muscle of rat by low voltage electrical stimulation.
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology, year: 2007, volume: 21, edition: Supplement