Project information
Geological Processes and their Environmental Impact - Contact of the Variscides and Alpides
- Project Identification
- MSM 143100004
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Science
- Keywords
- geological processes;paleobiocoenoses;paleoecology;paleogeography;sedimentary basins;outer zones of the Variscan and Alpine orogenes;active tectonics;volcanic activity;weathering;environmental hazards;geochemistry
Total number of publications: 437
Bohemian leucogranites and HP/HT anatexis.
Internationl workshop on petrogenesis of granulites and related rocks., year: 2004
Ca diffusion in garnets and its application to the intrepretation of pressure and temperatures histories of tectonic events
A.von Humboldt Foundation Introductory meeting, year: 2004
Cenozoic basaltic volcanism of northern Moravia and Czech part of Silesia
International Workshop "Basalts 2004", Abstracts Volume and Excursion Guide, year: 2004
Comparison of different methods for determination of pyrite oxidation rate in waste rock pile at Mine Doyon, Québec, Canada
Eos. Trans. AGU 85 (17), year: 2004
Determination of pyrite oxidation rate in waste rock pile at Mine Doyon, Québec, Canada
Proceedings of international seminar about groundwater remediation, year: 2004
Epibionti na ulitě miocenního gastropoda z lokality Buituri (transylvánská pánev, Rumunsko) - případová paleoekologická studie
Zlinská A., ed.: 5. paleontologická konferencia. Zborník abstraktov. Konferencie, sympóziá, semináre., year: 2004
Estimation of the missing eroded sediments in the Bílé Karpaty unit (Outher West Carpathians)
Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica, year: 2004, volume: 38, edition: 1
Fosilní žraločí zub se stopami lidské činnosti a bioeroze z lokality Pavlov (gravettien)
Hašek V., Nekuda R., Ruttkay M., eds.: Ve službách archeologie V., year: 2004
Geogenic arsenic in shallow aquifers of Rio Dulce Alluvial Cone, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Sancha A.M. (Editor): Evaluation and Management of Drinking Water Sources Contaminated with Arsenic, year: 2004
Geochemical characterization of acid mine drainage from a waste rock pile, Mine Doyon, Québec, Canada
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, year: 2004, volume: 69, edition: 1-2