Project information
Class Structure and Social Mobility in the Czech Republic, 1989 - 2009

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2008 - 12/2010
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Social Studies
social class;social mobility;social stratification;educational structure;czech society

The project maps the class structure of Czech society and explores its changes in the years 1989 to 2009 using the concept of social mobility. In order to achieve its aims a social stratification survey of the Czech population will be carried out in 2009 (random sampling, 2,500 respondents). The more detailed aims of the project are: to identify a class structure; to test the validity of each class schema for Czech society (Wright, EGP, SEI, Esping Andersen); to trace the development of the class structure between 1989 and 2009 using the already conducted relevant surveys in the given period in the Czech Republic (TSS 1991; SSEE 1993; SIALS 1998; ISSP 1997; ISSP 1999; ESS 2002 and 2004) and a cohort analysis of the proposed survey in 2009; to measure the trends in absolute and relative intragenerational and intergenerational social mobility in the years 1989 to 2009 (again using cross-sectional data as well as cohort analysis); to analyze the causes of social mobility (the role of class origin with regards to the education system) and to show the consequences of social mobility for the lives of people in Czech society in 2009. The project’s findings will be published in journals and a book (the working title is Trends in Class Structure and Social Mobility in CR between 1989 and 2009) as well as presented in expert discussions on the economic, social and cultural trends in Czech society in the years 1989 to 2009.


Total number of publications: 10

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