Project information
Vývoj a pilotní odzkoušení metodiky pro vytváření a používání didaktických prostředků propagujících technické disciplíny a výzkum ve výuce na základních školách

Project Identification
Project Period
3/2008 - 12/2009
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
education, basic school, methodology, didactic tools, textile
Cooperating Organization
Textile Testing Institute

Development of general methodical procedure will be aimed at creation and use of didactic tools, which propagate technical and scientific disciplines and research in tution on basic schools with accent on turning of future professional orientation of pupils this way. Textile industry-based material will be realized as an example of creation and pilot testing of methodology mentioned. Main result of project will be collection of methodic unstructions and model example of didactic tool in form of DVD with set of supporting materials (samples,worksheets...). All project results will be publicly accessible on the Internet and applicable during creating and applying didactic materials from any technical area (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biochemie etc.). Users of results will be creators of didactic tools from public and private area, basic schools teachers or other institutions involved.


Total number of publications: 36

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