Project information
The influence of art works on personality of an individual with mental retardation in residential institution

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2008 - 12/2008
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
Function of art works, personality, client with mental retardation, dissertation research, functions of art, residential institution, creativity, emotionality, cognitive process, therapy, education

The project focuses on executing the practical part of research so as to check the used methodology when researching the influence of art works on personality of an individual with mental retardation in residential institution. The research will take place in residential institution USP in Křižanov. The clients will produce art works according to the theoretical specifications plane. Used therapeutic-formative approaches in care for individuals with mental retardation will be evaluated as one of the aims of the dissertation. Clients’ works of art (drawings and paintings) and method will be analyzed and documented and presented. The created method should be use to support deficits, especially the personal identity.

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