Project information
Physics of Sun, stars, and stellar systems

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2008 - 12/2011
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
Cooperating Organization
Astronomical Institute of the ASCR, v. v. i.
Charles University

Contemporary astrophysics is one of the most dynamic scientific branches thanks to continuous development of observing techniques and of its the theoretical base, which exploits results of related sciences, especially physics. Demands on young scholars, who have to manage both observing techniques and theoretical astrophysics, are very high. They can be fulfilled only by common effort of all institutes interested both in research and education. Proposed project aims at a contribution to student education by their involvement in the research of radiative processes and magnetohydrodynamics of astrophysical plasma, which exists in Sun, stars, stellar systems and their surroundings. Plasma behaviour and properties then determine the character of stellar and stellar systems inner structure and their evolution. The project consists also of targeted astrophysical observations, which will bring information allowing tests of the findings. Naturally, also observation of Sun, stars, and stellar systems


Total number of publications: 46

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