Project information
Strategic Planning and Financing in Sport as a Factor of Physical Fitness

Project Identification
Project Period
4/2017 - 12/2017
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Sports Studies

The Sport 2025 concept in the Czech Republic envisages joint efforts of the public sector to gradually eliminate the problems and barriers to the sport. Strategic planning needs to be linked, in particular, to the development of a sports infrastructure that can be co-financed from a variety of sources. The project focuses on the analysis of the current state to create recommendations for the creation of regional and local sports policies and their financing, including the determination of monitoring indicators for measuring and assessing the effects of financing in the area of physical fitness. Project outputs are important to objectify a number of official decisions affecting sport and physical activity. The absence of this article significantly weakens the sports movement at the moment. Sport has an interdepartmental overlap and it is necessary to ensure that in areas that directly or indirectly affect sport and physical activity within the population will not lead to decisions that are disadvantageous for people interested in sport. Coordination and synergy between the public administration and the federal sector should be established. The issues that this project addresses are all the more important that the highest and most important revenues from the public budget are used to finance sport.


Total number of publications: 2

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