Project information

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2017 - 6/2021
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
research infrastructure, population studies, biomonitoring of toxic compounds, sampling methods

This project focuses on an important interdisciplinary area of ​​research linking environmental pollution and human health. Research in this border area is crucial for addressing current societal challenges such as quality of life, aging population or food safety. The aging population and the increasing incidence of some diseases have been identified as an important societal problem with an impact on the economy and subsequently reflected in European and national priorities.

An increasing need to monitor the occurrence of these specific diseases (neurodegenerative disorders, allergic diseases, immune disorders, metabolic disorders) in the population, depending on their environmental, social and economic determinants (socioeconomic situation, nutrition, lifestyle, alcohol and drug abuse, exposure to toxic substances) emphasizes the importance of large population studies. These studies must, however, be linked to the best available methods and technologies in the relevant research areas (analytical chemistry and biochemistry, toxicology, risk analysis, biostatistics, modelling, epidemiology). The RECETOX RI project contributes to the building of unique expertise across biomedical, environmental and social sciences and information technologies.

The aim of the project is to maintain the cutting-edge quality of environmental research carried out in the RECETOX centre and to extend it to new competitive research areas promising to increase the social impact of this research and to produce results with future application potential. This will be achieved by (i) building a new capacity for long-term archiving of environmental and human samples equipped with technology for their safe and sustainable storage, (ii) the development of a set of top sampling and analytical methods necessary for the implementation of such research, (iii) further development of large- studies providing answers to major societal issues, and (iv) building expertise on long-term population studies that link data on environmental and human exposure to human health data. The project provides financial support from EU funds.


20211: Odborné publikace (vybrané typy dokumentů) vytvořené podpořenými subjekty - 54 publikací, 20216: Odborné publikace (vybrané typy dokumentů) se zahraničním spoluautorstvím vytvořené podpořenými subjekty - 23 publikací, 20312: Počet účastí podpořených výzkumných týmů realizovaných v programech mezinárodní spolupráce - 1


Total number of publications: 218

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