Project information
Developmental origins of depression-related white matter properties (DeOrDe)

Project Identification
Project Period
5/2018 - 4/2019
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Central European Institute of Technology

The project Developmental origins of depression-related white matter properties (DeOrDe) aims to determine white matter properties associated with depressive symptomatology in young adulthood and their developmental origins. In particular, we aim to study (1) the impact of prenatal stress, defined as stressful life events experienced by the mother during the first half of pregnancy, and (2) the impact of depressive symptoms experienced at 15 and 19 years of age on the depression-related white matter properties.
All data were already collected within the Marie Curie project Biomarkers and underlying mechanisms of vulnerability to depression (VULDE; FP7-IEF-2013) and the findings which will form the basis of the new manuscript entitled 'Developmental origins of depression-related white matter properties: Findings from a prenatal birth cohort' were already submitted as an abstract for the 2018 conference of Society of Biological Psychiatry. The GAMU E funding would allow to extend these findings into a manuscript, go through the review process in a high-impact journal, and publish the article.


Total number of publications: 1

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