Project information
Experience-sharing of V4 countries to promote media professionalism in reporting Georgia’s European integration (21810463)

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Project Identification
Project Period
9/2018 - 8/2019
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Social Studies
Cooperating Organization
Institute of Public Affairs
The Georgian Institute of Politics

The project aims to empower journalists in Georgia’s regions and minority-populated areas, through training and re-granting, also experience-sharing of V4 countries to positively shape opinion on EU integration processes through fact-based, accessible reporting. A successful and sustainable governmental policy for EU integration is based on Georgian citizens’ unwavering desire for integration into the family of European democracies. Georgia’s Euro-integration process has provided powerful incentives for positive internal reforms in governance and democratization. Moreover, given the prevalence of Russian-language media in Georgia’s regions, these populations are increasingly targeted by Kremlin propaganda, which aims to undermine Euro integration processes and the democratic and governance reforms they entail. Regional journalists are uniquely placed—but often ill-equipped—to engage with local communities currently left out of integration processes. By empowering journalists in Georgia’s regions and minority-populated areas to positively shape opinion on Euro integration processes through fact-based, accessible reporting, these communities can become part of the process. It is particularly important to reach the younger generation of journalists in the regions. In addition to supporting their early-career professional development, they can be empowered to be agents for Georgia’s successful integration into the EU for years to come.

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