Project information
Modernizace protetické výuky na Stomatologické klinice LF MU (CAD-CAM)

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2019 - 12/2019
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Medicine
Project Website
CAD-CAM, pressed ceramics, milled ceramics, crowns, bridges

The main area of prosthetic dentistry is the making of fixed crowns or bridges that replace the lost tooth or groups of teeth in the patient. Compliance with all the essentials that fixed prosthetic work is intended to meet can facilitate the most modern materials and apparatus. Their purchase and introduction into teaching will undoubtedly lead to the modernization of prosthetic dentistry in subjects and will allow film and power-point treatment for all subjects of Prosthetic dentistry.


The result of the project was to shoot 3 videos for students - milled crowns, pressed crown and milled bridge using CAD-CAM technology. Materials allow modernization of subjects Prosthetic dentistry I ZLPL0451c, ZLPL0451p, Prosthetic Dentistry II ZLPL0562c,p, Prosthetic Dentistry III ZLPL0663c,p, Prosthetic Dentistry IV ZLPL0764c,p, Prosthetic dentistry V ZLPL0865c,p, Prosthetic Dentistry VI ZLPL0966c, Prosthetic Technology I ZLPT0222c,s, Prosthetic Technology II ZLPT0322c,p, Preclinical Dentistry II ZLPR0232c. The technologies that are not currently available at the Dental Clinic. The materials are processed and after being voice and text will be on the site for students.Students practically learn in virtual mouth to model the virtual crown, determine its size,direction of deployment, the width of the slit for cement, model its height, width, choose the appropriate material to send data to laboratory cutters, individualize the resulting crown and burn it.The material that was taken for Masaryk's universality - mirrors for photo shoots and contrastorys, and more will be used to make power point presentations for students.

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