Project information
Pátrání po stopách biogenicity a způsobu alterace zrn mikrobiálních facií devonu a karbonu, příklady z Českého masivu

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2020 - 6/2023
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
Cooperating Organization
Czech Geological Survey
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnber

Within this project we aim to focus on putative microbialite facies associated with one of the most severe extinction evens of the Phanerozoic, the Late Devonian Kellwasser and Hangenberg events and on the two preceding Middle Devonian Basal Choteč and Kačák events. We intend to focus on internal arrangement and fabric of micritic precipitates, to assess the role of taphonomy in the formation of recorded microstructures, and to decipher modes and patterns in grain alteration and peloid formation within the mentioned stratigraphic levels. We further aim to test whether extinctions at the end of Devonian influenced the structure of microbial biota. To document and compare range of morphologies at ultrastructural level using SEM and to assess spatial and textural relations of carbonate precipitates is essential in our investigation but in addition to that, REE+Y analysis will be carried out as it has proved to represent promising additional fingerprint of microbial involvement in carbonate precipitation.


Total number of publications: 8

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