Project information
Utilisation of accessory minerals as indicators of petrological evolution of ignous rocks in the eastern part of the Bohemian massif

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/1999 - 1/2002
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science

Chosen accessory minerals will be studied in rocks of the Třebíč massif, the Jihlava massif and small outcrops east of the Přibyslav mylonite zone. The above rock bodies will be compared in terms of their the chemical composition, structural stage, deg ree of metamictization and mineral assemblage character study. Special attention will by paid to the distribution of some elements of interest (U, Th, REE). The distribution of elements will be studied especially in zircons in connection with their struc ture destruction - metamictization. The structural position of the substituted elements and degree of metamicteconversion will be characterised, with the help of the XRD analysis (including Rietveld refinement).The same methods will be used for the struc tural description of other accessory minerals. The results will serve to the characterisation of the some processes in rock history of the massifs and other occurrencesstudied. The mechanism of the elements substitution and some structural changes induc


Total number of publications: 2

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