Project information
Czech authors of literature for children and youth
- Project Identification
- GA405/09/0938
- Project Period
- 1/2009 - 12/2012
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
- doc. PhDr. Milena Šubrtová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Miroslav Chocholatý, Ph.D.
- doc. PhDr. David Kroča, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Ivan Němec
- doc. PhDr. Jiří Poláček, CSc.
- PhDr. Mgr. Martin Reissner, Ph.D.
- doc. PhDr. Naděžda Sieglová, CSc.
- Mgr. Jitka Zítková, Ph.D.
- Keywords
- Czech literature for children and youth, authors and their literary output
The Czech literary studies have been lacking a lexicographic work focused on literature for children and youth. It should be noted that in foreign literary contexts comprehensive dictionary works dealing with authors of intentional and non-intentional literature for children and youth are quite common. At present, in particular, after witnessing in the past decades considerable transformations in the area of intentional literature for children and youth (inclusiveness of literary discourse, visualization of the aesthetic canon of children's literature, axiological polarity of literature for youth, competition from the part of other media, etc.), there clearly arises a necessity of a synthesizing dictionary handbook focused on the development of Czech literature for children and youth from ith beginnigns to the present dealing with not only authors but also key journals, scholarly intitutions and literary awards in the area of Czech literature for children and youth. The project aims at creating a handbook Dictionary of Authors of Literature for Children and Youth - Czech Writers.
The aim of the project was to make a dictionary dealing with authors connected with the Czech literature for children
and youth since its beginning until the present time. By publishing the Dictionary of authors of literature for children
and youth 2, Czech writers (Praha: Libri, 2012, 466 pp.), the main goal of the project was achieved.
The second publication planned for the third year of the project was an analytical-interpretative work relating to the
current Czech literature for children and youth. This goal was achieved by publishing the collective monograph Fairy
tales in the Czech literature for children and youth 1990-2010 (Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011, 327 pp.). In the
course of the four-year project a number of partial publications and presentation outputs appeared, being both expert
and popular ones. It was important to present partial results of the research abroad as well as at international
conferences in the Czech Republic, both in papers and discussions. In total, four papers were presented at
international conferences, three ones at conferences abroad and 14 papers at local conferences (twelve papers were
later published in conference proceedings). The main as well as the partial goals of the project were achieved
according to the planned schedule and the allocated financial means.
Total number of publications: 477
Výběr z českých pohádkových titulů 1990-2010
Pohádkové příběhy v české literatuře pro děti a mládež 1990-2010, edition: Vyd. 1., year: 2011, number of pages: 10 s.
Vyprávím pohádku obrazem (K obrázkovým knížkám Pavla Čecha a Martiny Skaly). Telling a fairy tale with pictures (Towards fairy tale books by Pavel Čech and Martina Skala)
Milena Šubrtová a kol. Pohádkové příběhy v české literatuře pro děti a mládež (1990-2010), edition: Vyd. 1., year: 2011, number of pages: 11 s.
Wagnerová Magdalena: Krys Veliký (recenze)
Year: 2011, type: Popularization text
Básník v množném čísle
Year: 2010, type: Popularization text
Co je štěstí a jiné verše
Ladění, year: 2010, volume: 20, edition: 4
Česká literatura pro mládež před koncem desetiletí
Křižovatky literatury pro mládež, year: 2010
Detektivní román pro děti a mládež
Year: 2010, type: Requested lectures
Dětská kniha v době změny paradigmatu
Křižovatky literatury pro děti a mládež, year: 2010
František Hrubín a básníci poválečné generace
Český jazyk a literatura, year: 2010, volume: 61, edition: 1
Halasův kunštátský souputník
Year: 2010, type: Popularization text