Project information
EuroBA (EuroBA)

Investor logo
Project Identification
Project Period
9/2020 - 8/2023
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
European Union
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
Cooperating Organization
The Queen University of Belfast
University of Ulster
Stockholms universitet
Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam

The project focuses on Applied Behaviour Analysis. Its aim is to develop and set European Standards for behaviour analyst training; European Qualifications Framework (i.e., use BACB standards for RBT as a basis and map these onto the EQF). Furthermore, the project consortium undertakes to update and enrich already existing interactive platform Simple Steps which was developed within a previous Erasmus+ project by part of the current consortium and later translated to other languages as well. Finally, the third focus of the project is to build a Responsive webpage (NeurHero) on which to deliver the training meeting the RBT criteria. This training will be built on the updated Simple Steps webpage.

Sustainable Development Goals

Masaryk University is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to improve the conditions and quality of life on our planet by 2030.

Sustainable Development Goal No.  3 – Good health and well-being Sustainable Development Goal No.  4 – Quality education Sustainable Development Goal No.  16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions

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