Project information
Monitoring a opatření ke zlepšení kvality ovzduší na území města Brna (MOZEKBRNO)

Project Identification
Project Period
4/2021 - 4/2024
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of the Environment of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Economics and Administration
air quality, pollutants, mobility, Brno
Cooperating Organization
Brno Corporate City
University of Stavanger
City of Oslo, Agency of Urban Environment

The current situation related to COVID-19 has yielded fascinating results regarding changes in the immission concentrations of various air pollutant loads. At many sites, it was confirmed that the radical reduction of road traffic intensity also led to substantial decreases in NOx immissions. However, PM10 or PM2.5, in particular, did not correspond to this development. On the contrary, in many places, these immissions have even increased under strict mobility measures (adopted gradually at the European or even global level). For this reason, a key question has arisen concerning the authentic sources of this immission load, including the identification of the degree of influence of various specific factors such as the type of development, meteorological and relief conditions, the type of use of the area as residential, recreational, transport, industrial or commercial.

The project aims to create an update of the Action Plan for the improvement of air quality in the city of Brno, based not only on certified air quality measurements with double density compared to continuous measurements), but also on the measurement of the air pollution burden of residents concerning their traffic behaviour. This activity corresponds to whether an individual is able and motivated to change their transport behaviour if they are aware that changing their transport mode significantly impacts their health.

Sustainable Development Goals

Masaryk University is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to improve the conditions and quality of life on our planet by 2030.

Sustainable Development Goal No.  3 – Good health and well-being Sustainable Development Goal No.  11 – Sustainable cities and communities Sustainable Development Goal No.  13 – Climate action Sustainable Development Goal No.  15 – Life on land

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