Project information
Integrated SERvices supporting a sustainable AGROecological transition
- Project Identification
- 101058020
- Project Period
- 9/2022 - 8/2027
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
European Union
- Horizon Europe
- Research Infrastructures
- MU Faculty or unit
- Central European Institute of Technology
- Cooperating Organization
Czech University of Agriculture Prague
Institute of Postgraduate Education in Medicine Prague
National Center for Scientific Research
- Responsible person Ilari Pulli
Université de Liege
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Institut Jožef Stefan
Weizmann Institute of Science
Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH
International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari
Institute for Global Change Research ASCR
Stichting Wageningen Research
National Research Institute for Agriculture
Vytautas Magnus University
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Euro-BioImaging ERIC
European Marine Biological Resource Centre
Developing a resilient and sustainable agriculture system, and the agroecological transitions requires a deep understanding of agroecosystems, their interactions with the environment, and management practices. AgroServ features a large consortium of research infrastructures, most of them being on the EU roadmap, and a vast offer of services at all scales, from the molecule to the organism, to the ecosystem, to the society. AgroServ will facilitate a systemic and holistic approach to understand the threats and challenges agriculture is facing, towards the implementation of a resilient and sustainable agrifood system. We propose a transdisciplinary offer of services, integrating the actors of the agriculture system in the research process, of which the farmers are the first, thanks to a wide offer of living labs across Europe. Most of the relevant field of sciences are represented in AgroServ, from natural to social sciences. We will develop a wider catalogue of integrated and customized services, thanks to a specific approach of service pipelines designed from a gap analysis, stakeholder and user demands. A strong community building and training program for access managers and users will be implemented to facilitate multi- and transdisciplinary research with all relevant actors. Results from the research performed under AgroServ will be synthetized to be used in the scope of evidence-based policy making. Data from AgroServ will be open and compliant with FAIR practices, and made available on the long-term to the communities, and be linked with the main European initiatives, as the EOSC. Strong links will be established with existing or future programs under H2020 and Horizon Europe, such as the partnerships agroecology, living labs and research infrastructures, and agriculture of data, as well as the two CSA AE4EU and ALL-READY, and the missions soil and plant health, and waters. AgroServ will collaborate with other relevant initiative in the Pillar II to of HE.
Sustainable Development Goals
Masaryk University is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to improve the conditions and quality of life on our planet by 2030.