Project information
Society in times of crisis: Anthropocene violence and its contemporary societal relevance
- Project Identification
- MUNI/A/1474/2022
- Project Period
- 1/2023 - 12/2023
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
- Specific research - support for student projects
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Social Studies
- doc. PhDr. Csaba Szaló, Ph.D.
- Mgr. et Mgr. Katarína Azzamová
- Dr. Werner Binder
- Mgr. Hani Bouremouze
- Mgr. Klára Božoňová
- Mgr. Le Cao, LL.M.
- Mgr. Kateřina Čanigová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Sonya Darrow
- Clement Mary Ezigbo
- Mgr. Stela Houserová
- prof. Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Barbora Jelínková
- prof. PhDr. Tomáš Katrňák, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Ondřej Klíma
- Mgr. Jana Kočková
- Eva Kotašková, Ph.D.
- prof. Martin Kreidl, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Marie Láníková
- Gloria Laus
- Mgr. Terezie Lokšová, Ph.D.
- doc. PhDr. Ing. Radim Marada, Ph.D.
- doc. PhDr. Kateřina Nedbálková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Světlana Nedvědová
- Mgr. Karel Němeček
- Jeffrey Alan Norquist, B.A., M.A., MS, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
- Maurine Ekun Nyok
- Mgr. Madeline Paradise
- Mgr. Tomáš Paul, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Karolína Pavková
- Mgr. Dominika Perdoch Sladká, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Pavel Pospěch, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Patrik Pýcha
- Mgr. Farhad Shamsian
- doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Adéla Souralová, Ph.D.
- doc. Mgr. Eva Šlesingerová, Ph.D.
- doc. PhDr. Iva Šmídová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Olivera Tesnohlidkova
- Mgr. Lucie Vidovićová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Alexandra Vrhel
The recent crisis of the globalised social reality, manifested by climate change warming and the current pandemic, discloses the relevance of the planetary domain for sociology. The current sociological inquiry has closely connected the ability of future generations to sustain the complexity of globalised social reality with the technologically driven disruption to planetary circulatory processes. This explorative research program aims primarily to encourage graduate and postgraduate students' involvement in diverse ways of sociological investigation and interpretation. It invites students to participate in overlapping projects that pursue documenting and understanding empirical evidence by utilising multiple layers of highly specialised academic research and broader public culture. The project questions the current sociology's public image as split up between methodological rigour and activistic innovation.
Total number of publications: 11
‘I always felt I have something I must do in my life’ : meaning making in the political lives of refugee non-citizens
Identities, year: 2024, volume: 31, edition: 2, DOI
Multimodal Chinese discourse: understanding communication and society in contemporary China by Dezheng (William) Feng
Year: 2024, type: Review
O zprostředkování a emancipaci věcí
Socialni Studia, year: 2024, volume: 21, edition: 1, DOI
‘I have to like it’: Working-class awareness among workers at a Bata shoe factory
Thesis Eleven, year: 2023, volume: 175, edition: 1, DOI
ADHD v seniorském věku : Povaha, specifika, dopady
Stárnutí 2023 : Sborník příspěvků 6. gerontologické mezioborové konference, year: 2023
ADHD v seniorském věku : Povaha, specifika, dopady
Year: 2023, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Marital plans and partnership transitions among German opposite-sex couples : Couple agreement and gender differences
Demographic research, year: 2023, volume: 49, edition: July-December, DOI
Migrace, uprchlíci a transgenerační přenos
Transgenerační přenos: trauma a odolnost, edition: 1. vyd., year: 2023, number of pages: 18 s.
Model machines: A history of the Asian as automaton
Year: 2023, type: Review
Somatic personhood and the dilemma of authenticity in ADHD subjectivity
Subjectivity, year: 2023, volume: 30, edition: 3, DOI