Project information
Excellent study program Department of Film Studies and Audiovisual Culture, Master´s degree

Project Identification
Project Period
7/2023 - 6/2025
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts

The project will diversify and strengthen the existing collaboration of the program with partners in academia, the film industry, and cultural institutions. In effect, internships and networking for job opportunities will be established on a more predictable basis. The existing platform for contact between students, academics, film professionals, and the public will be cultivated and extended. The study program reaches excellency in students´ academic results, with a comparatively high ratio of publications and a strong tendency of the graduates to continue at the Ph.D. level. The project will solidify these positive tendencies by establishing a schema for support of excellent M.A. theses, as well as by standardized cooperation with leading academic institutions and lecturers.

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