Project information
Unlocking RI potential with Scalable AI and Data (RI-SCALE) (RI-SCALE)

Data is the fuel driving scientific progress, and Research Infrastructures (RIs) are at the forefront of this process, generating massive and increasingly complex datasets. However, the growing size, limited multidisciplinary accessibility, and need for specialised technical expertise hinder the optimal reuse and analysis of these valuable resources.
RI-SCALE addresses this challenge by delivering Data Exploitation Platforms (DEPs). These cloud/HPC prototypes provide a scalable environment for hosting and analysing RI data through preconfigured AI frameworks. By unlocking the potential of RI data, DEPs can act as a powerful and reproducible tool for data valorisation, maximising the value and impact of RIs and their research communities.The DEP co-design process involves experts from 4 different RIs, Technology providers, Data Spaces, Computing Centers and Industry.

RI-SCALE prioritises interoperability by building consensus in concrete use cases. The co-development and alignment of DEP with the contribution of external initiatives such as Destination Earth, EOSC, GAIA-X will ensure harmonisation and compatibility of the ongoing efforts.

By providing AI-powered, accessible and user-friendly tools for data exploitation, RI-SCALE empowers RIs to unlock the full potential of their data, drive scientific discovery and contribute to innovation and advancements across disciplines.

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