Project information
Categorical methods of the theory of structures and computer science

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/1999 - 1/2001
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
Cooperating Organization
Charles University
Czech Technical University Prague

The project develops methods of the theory of categories, ordered sets and lattices and their applications in theoretical computer science. Attention will be focused on algebraic theories, varieties and algebraic specification of data types, on structure d categories and semantical domains of computations and on connections of lattice theory with topological and functional-analytic structures. In particular, there will be studied applications of algebraic theories to object oriented programming, multiequ ational specifications of data types, clones of topological and algebraic structures, Lawvere's problem from 1969 about the algebraicity of the category of varieties, generalizations of domain theory from ordered sets to categories, categorical propertie s of exactness and their use in theoretical computer science, pointless topological structures, quantales and their modules and the structural theory of varieties. Project will be solved in an international cooperation with reputable experts in given fie


Total number of publications: 26

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