Publication details

The incidence of Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) in Czech adolescents and it´s relatioship to anxiety, depression and somatic problems.



Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
Citation BARTOŠOVÁ, Kateřina. The incidence of Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) in Czech adolescents and it´s relatioship to anxiety, depression and somatic problems. In The 12th European Congress of Psychology. 2011.
Description The aim of this research was to describe incidence of PTS and to prove or disprove a relationship between measureable levels of PTS and internalised psychopathology, such as depression, anxiety and somatic problems, on a group of czech adolescents. Data from the czech part of an international project „SAHA“ ( The Social and Health Assessment) were analyzed in the process. 4,980 pupils from 150 different schools in the Czech republic completed the SAHA questionnaire. Post traumatic stress is a complex phenomenom which significantly influences people’s lives. The inicidence of PTS on czech population was examined from gender, age, school and home environment point of view. Differences between gender and age groups were proved, same as a link between PTS and percieved safety at home. Also a direct PTS link with depression (r=0,57, p<0.01), anxiety ((r=0,42, p<0.01) and somatic problems (r=0,47, p<0.01) was proved.

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