Publication details

Destinační management jako nástroj podpory regionálního rozvoje

Title in English Destination management as an instrument of the regional development support


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Regionální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords tourism; destination management; regional policy; destination management organisation; cooperation
Description The article is focused on destination management – a specific form of tourism management that has a potential to assure an effective development of tourism. The article explains theoretical background of destination management and highlights its importance from the tourism regional policy point of view. The basis of the theory lies in years of experience of foreign destinations, namely Alpine countries. The foreign experience is a stepping stone for a qualitative research involving the analysis of institutions (destination management organisations) that implement principals of destination management in the Czech Republic. The conclusion of the article brings a certain suggestions to rise the efficiency of destination management in Czech regions.

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